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local machine
2 Nodes:
local machine:
remote virtual machine :
Configuration steps:
1. 1. Dowload the lastest selenium Grid2 (selenium-server-standalone-2.11.0.jar ) from web site:
2. 2. Put selenium grid2 in a suitable local location(eg: selenium grid home in my machine: C:\xlz\tools\seleniumGrid), and copy it to remote node machine as well.
3. 3. Start the selenium grid2 Hub in selenium grid home command :
>java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.11.0.jar -role hub
4. 4. Check the hub status in http://localhost:4444/console
St 5. Start the selenium rc in Hub machine under selenium Grid home commands:
>java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.11.0.jar -role rc -hub -host localhost -port 5555
>java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.11.0.jar -role rc -hub
5. 6. Start the selenium rc in Remote machine(test Node) command: (don’t forget)
>java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.11.0.jar -role rc -hub
6. 7. Execute test scripts by Ant task under scripts home:
>cd C:\Users\Xlz\workspace\TestProject
>ant –f testbuild.xml
Now our testing starting ! All of test result will be collected in Hub. Enjoy it!